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In-Charge: Dr Madhukar Shyam Shukla ( Mobile No.9839488138)
Care Taker: Dr Alok kumar Singh ( Mobile No.9451160769)

  1. There is an arrangement for NCC in the college. The interested candidate from BA, B Com and B Sc shall apply for it separately. All the interested students shall appear in physical test and interviewed by P.I. Staff of Army.
  2. It is compulsory to be medically fit for admission to NCC.
  3. All the NCC cadets should be present in uniform during parade. It is compulsory for them to participate in the camps organised from time to time.
  4. Every year an examination is conducted for NCC 'B' and 'C' certificates. 75 per cent of attendance for every cadet is compulsory to take this examination.
  5. Certificate is provided to the successful cadet, which is useful for military and police services.
  6. Any candidate can be barred from the NCC facility, in case he remains absent unnecessarily, or is undisciplined.
  7. NCC parade is possible even on holidays. So the candidate must give a thought to the above mentioned points before filling up the application form for NCC.